While a green thumb isn’t required to grow this indoor plant, growers should expect to spend some quality time tending to the needs of their Begonia Maculata. Grouping them with other plants and using water trays are basic methods to raise humidity, but if your home is very dry—and most tend to be—a humidifier is the ultimate solution. It’s called “easy” and can be—but it needs pretty specific conditions in the way of humidity, light, and watering. Leaves. However, it does best when given bright, indirect light. Keep them out of drafts, and avoid temps of 59°F (15°C) or below. Patrick likes to pretend that urban gardening is just a hobby, but he’s actually prepping for the apocalypse. If you see brown tipped leaves, it may be a sign that you’re fertilizing too much. Be careful not to overwater your Begonia Maculata. The nutrient mix will keep the spotted green and silver foliage healthy and vibrant. Here are some potting mixes that would work well. We’ll provide complete plant care details for the Polka Dot Begonia below, but many of our readers just want some quick info before they get started. You should regularly clean your leaves to keep away pests, fungus, or diseases that appear, and you should always sterilize your tools. Soil. Also, being rootbound can put them in the flowering mood. This is my January 2021 Update on my Cane Begonia Collection. This houseplant is prone to various issues related to overwatering, such as root rot, fungal diseases on lower leaves, and powdery mildew. If we like the vibes you’re throwing down, we’ll include your photo in this article. Another bummer, this disease turns roots yellow and lower stems black. The disease is very contagious. Because of this, a restroom or kitchen is often considered a good place for this houseplant to grow. The toxins are primary in the roots, though its stems and leaves can cause oral irritation. Most begonias prefer their soil well-drained, their location partially shaded and their fertilizer well-diluted. Consider mixing enough to keep for future seasons. A southern exposure works well in winter months; east or west windows are fine year-round as long as you keep them out of direct light. Your fertilizer should, therefore, include adequate phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen. The Polka Dot Begonia requires a soil or other growing medium with good aeration that drains well and holds moisture without becoming overly soggy. Make sure your soil promotes proper drainage. You can consider having a mixture of vermiculite, peat and perlite moss. unless you want to grow Begonia Masoniana straight in the ground. In this article, we’ll share how to keep a Begonia maculata happy, and how to fix problems that can arise. Begonia Maculata Care - How To Grow Polka Dot Begonia, 13 Amazing Alocasia Varieties You Will Love, Hydroponic Nutrient Solution (Easy Guide), Madagascar Dragon Tree Care - Dracaena Marginata, Crown Of Thorns Plant Care (Euphorbia Milii). Consider placing near a west or east-facing window. Wax Begonia Water Requirements. Prepare your own natural begonia fertilizer from comfrey or from stinging nettle: Fermented comfrey tea, a balanced fertilizer; Fermented stinging nettle, both treatment and fertilizer; All there is to know about Tamaya. Gently lift the plant from its pot to check the root ball. Fertilize the Begonia Maculata every two weeks to provide it with the nutrients it needs for vigorous growth and flower development. Wait until the container is filled with roots before repotting. Always let the topsoil dry before rewatering and maintain good air circulation. They are fussy about humidity and need semi-regular pruning, but they’re very easy to propagate. Begonia Maculata. For best results, use a half-strength solution of a balanced, water soluble fertilizer product, used according to package directions. Begonia Maculata is a species that includes subspecies with leaves of different shapes. Make sure you don’t expose them to conditions under 60 degrees Fahrenheit. No need for anything fancy. See our options above. Apr 3, 2017 - Explore Bowie Cheng's board "Begonia Maculata" on Pinterest. The Polka Dot Begonia requires a soil or other growing medium with good aeration that drains well and holds moisture without becoming overly soggy. Begonia Maculata falls under the Cane-like Begonia or Angel Wing Begonia classification, meaning it has long leaves and stems with bamboo-like joints. Begonias also root best in cooler temperatures. A balanced, water-soluble NPK fertilizer (like a 10-10-10 or 20-20-20) will do just fine for this houseplant. No special fertilizers are required to feed the plant to keep it growing healthy. These tiny vampires colonize under leaves and stem joints; whiteflies fly around when disturbed. Begonia Maculata. Have you had success with the Begonia Maculata plant? Make sure there are veins in each wedge piece. Remove fallen foliage or blooms, and prune affected areas. Powdery mildew is a fungus that is common in many houseplants, including the Polka Dot Begonia. The Begonia Maculata is a houseplant that requires some regular care and maintenance, such as well-draining soil, fertilizer every 2-3 weeks, proper temperature, high humidity, bright indirect light, pruning, and more. The point is to keep an eye on their soil, and water thoroughly once the top has dried sufficiently. PRO TIP: An inexpensive hygrometer is a wise investment. Along with a good soil or soil-less mix, you need to have a pot with drainage holes. Keep your leaves free from these issues by removing areas with signs of fungus or infestation. A word of caution – just because a Begonia Maculata. The canes become sparse and leggy, because the plant tends to put more energy into growing up instead of out. Don’t increase pot size too much: you don’t want them spending excess energy on their root system. Fertilize the Begonia Maculata every two weeks to provide it with the nutrients it needs for vigorous growth and flower development. Begonia Maculata plants are toxic to dogs, cats, and horses. Either way, prepare for a siege. – This group belongs to the species called Begonia Grandis. Begonia Maculata needs regular feeding with balanced liquid fertilizer. Drooping and yellowing leaves can be a sign that your houseplant is not receiving enough sunlight. Maculatas like being a bit rootbound in small pots, but their soil becomes exhausted from its densely packed roots. Begonia maculata, or Polka Dot begonia as it’s often called, is a splashy show-stopper that looks fantastic with it’s olive green leaves and contrasting spots. This growing style is called “Standard Form” and it can be applied to any other (suitable) Begonia hybrid. Give your maculata a bright spot out of strong sunlight: direct rays can fade the silvery spots or even burn the foliage. We’d love to see it! Much like the name suggests, it leaves a white powder-like substance on your leaves that’s pretty unattractive. Leave out compost, garden soil etc. Also, keep them away from drafty areas. These evergreen perennials hail from tropical forests of Brazil, so it’s no surprise they need warmth, strong filtered light and consistent moisture. NOTE: Use sharp, sterilized shears. The chips decompose, but it’s not a concern as maculatas are frequently repotted and refreshed. They are a fairly fast grower that can reach three feet or more, and their cascading white flowers bloom throughout the warm season. – A large group of begonias that often have colorful leaves growing from thick rhizomes along the soil’s surface. Like many plants, Polka Dot begonia likes well-draining soil that holds moisture without becoming soggy. If you’re looking for something unusual that attracts attention, this over-the-top begonia is a great choice. This fungal disease is one of their most common ailments. His dream is to one day feed his family with just the food he grows in his Chicago-based condo. This disease causes pimple-like leaf spots. You’ll know your maculata isn’t getting enough light by its leaves: first they lose some color, then turn yellow, and finally start to shed. As a cane begonia, the plant’s thick stems hold a bit of water and don’t like wet conditions. So we’ll begin with cliff notes on care and maintenance. Perlite can help with aeration and insulation, while wood chips aid aeration. 4.J R Peters Inc20-20-20 All-Purpose Fertilizer- Best Fertilizer For Begonia Maculata. Experiment with giving them gentle direct morning or late afternoon sun. Begonia Maculata likes a balanced moisture level, and overwatering can be disastrous. See more ideas about Begonia maculata, Begonia, Planting flowers. If we like the vibes you’re throwing down, we’ll include your photo in this article. Begonia Types with photos. It doesn’t usually kill your plant, but it can stress them. The soil should be dry up to the first knuckle. Hardy to … Apply a balanced liquid houseplant food at half the rate recommended on the package. Insert the stake so that it’s angled away from the direction the stem leans. If you need more than what’s here, feel free to scroll down to the designated area. They have a root ball with thin roots, as well as small glossy leaves. This is the fertilizer I use for most of my houseplants. It can be easier to grow a new plant than keep a grown one happy … crazy, right? I’m here to share my experience and help you have more success and enjoyment growing plants. Email. Also, be sure that you sterilize your tools before each use. If you choose to grow Begonia Masoniana indoor, I’d recommend going for a soilless substrate containing peat moss and perlite or vermiculite. Judicious watering helps prevent it (notice the theme? Indoor houseplant fertilizers fall into two groups: water soluble, liquid quick release, and granular, slow release fertilizers. They’re more a nice accent than a feature. Join us on our journey toward sustainable living and making the most of our space. The most common issue with “saving” a maculata is optimizing its soil, which is often too heavy or exhausted. The small white dots on the green leaves create this perfect contrast of color, and it’s all the more heightened by the small white flowers, the red underside, and the yellow stems. Low light – or too much – are possibilities, as well as chills, disease, infestation, or under-fertilization. It can blossom up to three times in a single year. Place ties away from leaves and flower stems, which pop off easily if rubbed. How to care for Begonia maculata: Begonia maculata needs bright indirect light, well-aerated soil that dries a bit between waterings, fertilization every 2-4 weeks, and temperatures of 65°F (18°C) to 86°F (30°C). Feed every two to four weeks in the months between April and September. For those in colder climes, don’t wait until first frost to bring them inside, unless you want to free up their pot. Alternatively place their light pot inside a heavier container. Unfortunately, otherwise healthy humid conditions increase this threat. A good rule of thumb is to add liquid fertilizer to the water every other time you water the plant. Once roots develop, you can remove the plant from the water and plant it in loamy and sandy soil. So you’ll need to make your home accommodating. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. If you’re replanting in the same sized pot, gently loosen and remove dirt around the edges of the rootball to make room for fresh soil. Always present on the leaves or pattern in the form of variegated-strewn with colored spots, or bright contrasting patterns. Assuming you have soil with good drainage, you can simply stick your finger in the soil to determine if it needs more water or not. Cut a quarter-inch above a leaf. Maculatas like moist soil most of the time – never give them a drought – but they benefit from having the top half-inch of their soil dry out before rewatering. Most often its humidity is not high enough. 1 Work a balanced fertilizer into the soil at planting time. Soil Propagation – The one-step method is to dip the end of a cutting in powdered root hormone and bury it in potting soil. The mildest form of pruning is pinching out the tips. Its foliage is very similar to the Tuberous Begonia, except that it produces smaller clusters of flowers. The ideal soil condition for Begonia Masoniana care is a porous, slightly acidic planting mix. You’ll know it’s time when the soil around the begonia is no longer loose. General Information. When growing Begonia Maculata, it’s important to keep drainage in mind. The other main requirement for healthy Polka Dot Begonia is high humidity. Direct sunlight can scorch your plants, so keep them away from a south-facing window in the summer. If it’s watered any more than that, a nasty host of issues can happen, such as root rot. It’s a delight for the eyes. Phosphorus present in this j r peters fertilizer ensures that begonia maculata large flowers will be formed. While they can tolerate temperatures slightly below 65°F, you shouldn’t expose them to anything lower than 60°F (15.56°C). Heavy soil can cause lingering malaise. The Begonia Maculata is a flowering plant, which means it requires fertilizer every once in a while to have enough energy to be able to keep growing. Clusters of angelic white flowers enhance the beauty of this peep in the warm days of spring and summer. If its leaves start to develop brown leaf tips, this may mean the Maculata is receiving too much light, and you need to adjust its location. Here are some potting mixes that would work well. It’s more work but will boost the health of all your tropicals, and humidity has positive benefits for humans, too. It typically affects the lower leaves that touch the soil and climbs upwards. Fibrous-rooted – This begonia category is known for its small flowers, glossy green leaves, and fibrous root systems. They may not perish in low humidity, but they won’t truly flourish. Oct 7, 2020 - Learn how to best care for your Begonia Maculata: Care sheet including info about Soil, Light, Watering, Temperature, Humidity, Fertilizer & Propagation. Begonia Maculata thrives in temperatures between 65°F and 86°F (18°C and 30°C, respectively). Overwatering can also cause problems at the surface, creating fungus opportunities in the plant’s lower leaves. grow to this height, doesn’t mean it should. It comes with an added percentage of calcium which ensures that either indoor or … A south-facing window works well in the winter months, but during spring and summer (when the sun’s rays are more intense), move it to an east or west-facing window. Also, be sure that you don’t water the stems or the leaves. Fertilizing your Begonia Maculata. Height: 30cm (including pot height 10cm) Another method is using a short-acting organic pesticide before releasing beneficial predators like ladybugs to gobble the rest. Enjoy your stay at Smart Garden Guide. This post contains affiliate links, which means we receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something recommended. Fertilizing it more than that can cause problems. This, along with regular fertilizer, will help boost your houseplant’s fertility. They’re the perfect begonia if you’re looking to make a statement. Let’s dive into the ins and outs of raising this indoor plant – from its origins in Brazil to its required maintenance and care. Because they’re prone to getting top-heavy, select a heavy pot like terracotta or stone. The dark green, spotted leaves are backed in maroon. (This term of art means cutting, not just pinching.) It’s a houseplant that is likely to turn heads in your home, and thankfully it isn’t too difficult to care for. PRUNING BEGONIA MACULATA If you want a bushier plant, you can trim and prune your plant. No special mix is needed, just a balanced fertilizer with equal NPK numbers. Some time outside can do them wonders as long as they don’t become too hot. Begonia Fertilizers Top Selected Products and Reviews J R Peters Inc 51024 Jacks Classic No.1.5 10-30-20 Blossom Booster Fertilizer Watering this begonia can be tricky unless you have the right kind of soil, which we’ll explain shortly, but first let’s go over the rules. You can do more serious plant remodeling using the same method above any leaf. Highly concentrated fertilizers burn the exquisite foliage of a plant such as You won’t always need a bigger pot. Unfortunately, most of our homes are too dry, which is one reason you may see houseplants with brown or black leaf tips. Begonia Maculata grows best in light potting soil or sandy loam soil. Some round, others oblong, twisted like a shell or oblique-heart. Spotted Begonia. Email Devri@twopeasinacondo.com with your pictures. Maculata can grow up to 60 inches or 1.5 meters in height. Step 4 To help the plant grow in the mason jar, cover the bag’s top in a plastic baggy. Spring is typically the best time for repotting. Applications of insecticidal soap sprays and oils can help. Sterilize with methylated spirits and apply fungicide if it returns. To treat powdery mildew, you can remove the infected leaves, spray a fungicide, prune to improve the air circulation, and refrain from watering or misting the leaves. They do best between 65°F (18°C) and 86°F (30°C) but tolerate warmer temps during the day. They are fussy about humidity and need semi-regular pruning, but they’re very easy to propagate. Firm up the soil around the cutting and water thoroughly. Hello Select your address Garden & Outdoor Hello, Sign in. Begonia Maculata Care . The air may be stagnant or polluted. Those who have the greatest success keep their maculata’s humidity high, even if they don’t highlight it. They do well in light commercial mixes; but, to give them perfect conditions, it’s a good idea to mix in these amendments: • Perlite – These tiny white balls of fluffy, almost Styrofoam-textured material are actually natural volcanic glass. You will likely need to repot a few times during the first few years of life. Begonia Maculata can also be a large and top-heavy plant when it’s full-grown, so consider using a heavier pot made of terracotta or stone. The leaves will show scorched areas if they’re getting too much. Allowing the topsoil to dry also discourages fungus and nuisance pests like gnats. Fertilize container-grown begonias in spring when the plants send up their first shoots. Give the cutting good light, keep its temps comfortable, and in a few weeks your new plant will be established! Place this cutting in a small mason jar. Instead, water the soil directly. Contaminated plants should be thrown away safely—not composted. The cane tips issue a hormone to suppress branching, so removing them stimulates bushier growth. Look for one that contains a more or less equal ratio of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium (look for equal NPK numbers on the bottle) diluted to a half or a quarter of the recommended strength. Steamy environs mimic its native habitat. Brown spots, edges and leaf tips can be caused by heat, direct sun, or over-fertilization. Dilute it 50% and feed them every two to four weeks when they’re growing, and cut back during the winter. You can limit damage by pruning away the affected areas—heavily infected plants should be safely discarded. A new leaf will shortly sprout just below the cut. If windows aren’t an option – or you live in a place up north with too much cloud coverage – consider. Poor air circulation can contribute. The leaves are angel wing-shaped. These plants easily develop root rot if they’re kept too wet, so never water when the soil is moist. Most plants need bright, indirect light, well-drained soil, at least 50% humidity, and warm temperatures (70–75°F) to be at their best. A well-filled out maculata is a spectacular plant, but the bushy look takes some intervention. Here are some of our favorite humidifiers for houseplants. We’ll include tips to keep them looking their best, so you can amaze your guests with a plant they won’t forget. Stick the leaf wedges into the soil and place the pot in a plastic bag in a bright and warm place away from direct sunlight. Add 1 pound of 10-10-10 fertilizer per every 100 square feet of garden bed. On the other side of the spectrum, low light can interrupt leaf and flower development. Botrytis, often called Gray Mold, is a fungal disease that causes soggy brown and gray splotches along the leaves. Southern gardeners should consider the polka dot begonia a shade plant, but those in colder climes can put them in bright windows with limited direct morning or afternoon sun. You can help prevent Botrytis with better air circulation. Be careful with small specimens, which may be recent cuttings with minimal roots. • Wood chips – A sprinkling of non-toxic wood chips aids aeration: the angular chips create welcome space in the soil. It often starts on lower leaves touching the soil. We’re going to talk about humidity first, because it’s the single element that can spell success or mysteriously mediocre results with this plant. The main reason for this is that this indoor plant’s roots become packed, and new soil can help with fertility. You’ll be lightly fertilizing the plant anyway—this just bolsters fertility. Dipping them in isopropyl alcohol works well. You need to feed them in warm months only once in a month. Luckily, the Begonia Maculata is pretty easy to propagate. Water Propagation – Simply place the cutting’s end into a jar of water. Most have a pinkish-red hue and variegation or spots. If you’re seeing fewer blooms than you’d like, try upping the light. A 10-10-10 fertilizer will work fine. If you go the route of water propagation, cut off a stem – just below the bud of the mother plant- that doesn’t have any flowers growing on it. Begonia Maculata does very well in a mixture of sand, clay, and loamy soil inside a pot with good drainage. Begonia maculata is a robust plant that requires soil with balanced nutrients. Maculatas bloom from spring to fall, producing clusters of white flowers with cheery yellow centers on a single stem. Begonia Maculata Flowers. Regardless of method, once cuttings are in soil, you can help their growth by putting the pot into a plastic enclosure or Ziploc bag … open it every couple of days and mist. No one wants a sad clown begonia. Consider using a humidifier to increase the humidity in your home. Yearly repotting is recommended. Significant pruning twice a year is typical, but you can do less every few weeks after fresh growth emerges. Instead, remove the plant, loosen and remove the dirt, and add fresh soil back into the pot. If your pet has ingested part of the Polka Dot Begonia, call your vet or the APCC at 888-426-4435 for the next steps. Keep your plant in the sweet spot that is bright indirect light. Once you get it dialed in, however, you’ll have a plant that’s the envy of your neighborhood. : Moderate (the Begonia Maculata has a growing season in the spring and summer.). Because of the amount of humidity required by this indoor plant, it could develop a fungus or pests. This houseplant will be the envy of any indoor grower. If you decide that the Begonia Maculata isn’t right for you – or you just want to expand your collection, take a look at these other Begonias. Repotting time is ideal for staking, but anytime is okay if you’re careful. In most cases, avoid misting your Begonia Maculata, which is prone to fungus and powdery mildew. Bright filtered light is the goal. With the right indirect light conditions, a Begonia Maculata will flower in late winter and spring, producing beautiful clusters of white flowers. Leaves and flowers grow from the joints. Thin stakes and soft ties work best – find a dark color that doesn’t stand out. Begonia maculata, or Polka Dot Begonia as it's commonly called is an instantly recognizable variety by it's one-of-a-kind silver spots. They appreciate having their topsoil dry out between waterings. If you see Botrytis blight, remove any of the infected leaves (including any that fall in the soil) and spray the infected area with a fungicide. If nothing else, it is the perfect accent piece for a home. Balance is vital when it comes to this houseplant. This one’s easy if you’re keeping them indoors, because they like the same temperatures we do. Every one to two days, open the bag and mist it. Consider keeping the growth height uniform. Back to top. The best fertilizer for polka dot begonias, in my opinion, is the 10-10-10 fertilizer because it has 10% of each nutrient – nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'twopeasinacondo_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_1',113,'0','0']));To help the plant grow in the mason jar, cover the bag’s top in a plastic baggy. The silvery-white Polka dots look almost unreal as if they don ’ t be happy very... A clip-on fan or proper pruning can improve how your air circulates out Maculata is optimizing soil. Has positive benefits for humans, too, but other factors can contribute were painted onto the deep leaves... America ( Mexico ) branched into very many species with unique colors and shapes something. Piece for a home step 4 the genus Begonia offers a wide selection of outstanding foliage as as... Necessary, the plant to keep it away from direct sunlight can scorch your plants or! Bloom: normal fertilization and good light, but he ’ s a grower! 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